
Monday, February 21, 2011

Belizean Fudge

Belizean Chocolate Fudge

Last week I made Belizean Coconut Bread, it was really very tasty.  So this week I thought I would try making something sweet.  I was thinking something chocolate, so I made Belizean Chocolate Fudge and added some of Bill's Hot Pepper's that he grew last year to the recipe to spice it up a bit.  Bill said the fudge was the best and he loved the taste of the hot with the sweet. 

The Ingredients


2 cups sugar
1/4 cup condensed milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 oz. butter

Melting the sugar

The dark chocolate has been added.

Almost done

I added pecans, coconut and lots of dried habanero pepper to spice it up.  It was really good but oh so rich.


Mix sugar and milk in a saucepan, add butter and place over low heat, stir until sugar is dissolved.  Bring to boil until soft ball stage 257 degrees F (when dropped into cold water) on candy thermometer.  Remove from heat, stir in vanilla, let cool slightly, then beat until thick.  Pour into greased dish.  Cut in squares when cooled.

For chocolate fudge, add 2 tablespoons cocoa or 2 ozs. chocolate.  I used dark chocolate.  You can also add coconut, nuts, ginger or habanero pepper for an extra kick.  Enjoy.


  1. I make also a choc fudge but with toppings of coconut.

  2. was tasty and a big SUGAR rush. @Nava, that sounds really good. I will have to put some coconut on top next time. My husband Bill loves coconut I like all of the nuts in it.


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