
Monday, April 23, 2012

SAGA Monthly Cook-off and New Friends.

The view from the deck at Wet Willy's

Wet Willy's

Another view from deck at Wet Willy's

Thursday night was the Saga Humane Society monthly cook-off fundraiser.  This month it was held at Wet Willy's and was a "SEAFOOD" theme.  It was packed, Saga sold all 65 tickets and more people kept coming.  The monthly cook-off is always a fun social event.  We got to meet Diane one of the new owners of Wet Willy's, listened to live music and sampled some spectacular seafood entrees.  Saga was founded in March of 1999 and was named after one of the original dogs  in the shelter.

This months seafood entrees.

Lined up and ready to taste some seafood.

I told her it looked like she had big ears.

Lori a volunteer for Saga.

Grant a volunteer for Saga.

We sold lots of raffle tickets.

Gunter getting his prize.  Both the smoked salmon and smoked oyster dip took home some prizes.

This week we met some new friends Lisa and Ron while walking the dogs one afternoon on the beach.  They were here vacationing for two weeks from Seattle, Washington and are considering Belize for retirement one day.  We met up at the Tacklebox on Wednesday night and then invited them out to Wet Willy's for the cook-off on Thursday night.  We also met Don and Mary at the Saga cook-off.  Don was here on vacation from Pennsylvania filling in for Saga's veterinarian Dr. Baptist, while he was on vacation.  We all had a great time hanging out together.

Our new friends from Washington, Lisa and Ron.

Don and Mary from Pennsylvania

Bill and Lori

Bike hanging inside at Wet Willy's.

T-shirts hanging inside Wet Willy's.  It looks like Texas has been there.

It was very windy Thursday night and when I got ready to bike back home, this is what I found.  It appears that some one's plate of leftover food blew into my basket on my bicycle. 


  1. Thanks for blogging this since we missed it -- looks like a lot of fun -- EXCEPT for your bike basket. What a mess! I wouldn't have been happy coming out to see that.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Emily. It was a lot of fun. Yeah, it was really windy out and I think someone just set their plate there on the ledge and the wind blew it right in my basket...


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