
Monday, April 16, 2012

Biking North on the Island

Out on our Sunday bike ride.

Bill with his green shirt on kind of blends in with all the green vegetation.

Sunday was such a beautiful morning that we thought we would get up and take a bike ride toward the north end of the island.  We haven't been out that far since we have moved to San Pedro in January and during the rainy season it can become very difficult to travel too far north on bikes.  We figured we biked about 14 miles there and back home. 

Sandy beach road to the north end of Ambergris Caye, which is called middle Road.  It is the only road once you get out of San Pedro if you want to travel either North or South on the island.

Taking in the scenery.

A lonely palm tree here.

We weren't too far into our ride when we ran into two of our friends Emily and Barry (who write  They were out bird watching.  Barry was pretty excited, he sited 3 new birds on his life list Sunday.  One was the Orange Oriole, which we see in the bushes on our front porch all the time.  I recognize them when they are out there because they make such a beautiful sound.

Barry and Emily out birding.

Orange Oriole

After visiting with Barry and Emily for a few minutes, we were back on the road again.  Biking down the sandy path we saw several termite nest.  Termites build large nest in trees from digested wood, termite saliva and fecal matter.  We spotted several of them biking on the north side of the island.

Termite Nest

More termite nest.

We kept biking and then we ran into the swamps and mangroves.  Once we got a little past the Matachica Resort we decided to turn around.  The road was starting to get very narrow and bumpy with lots of rocks everywhere.  It turned out to be a good day for a bike ride and it was great exercise.

Mangrove swamps.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Watch the backs of the orioles you see, though. At least around Grand Caribe, the Hooded Oriole is much more common than the Orange. The males have very similar markings, except the back (between the wings) is black. On the Orange Oriole, the back is orange. Looks like you had a great ride north!


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