
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tropic Air Delivery and Dinner in San Pedro

Tropic Air Vegetable Delivery

Tropic Air, the Belize Airline.

My friend Emily told me about Sol Farms, a place located on the mainland that grows wonderful organic fruits and vegetables.  They post a list on their facebook page of each weeks harvest available, then you email them a list of what you would like to order.  So two days ago I emailed my list of the items I wanted.  My order showed up today, it was flown in on Tropic Air.  Once my order arrived, Tropic Air gave me a call and told me it had arrived.  Bill and I biked down to the cargo area of Tropic and picked up our order. They attached a copy of my bill with the amount I owed on the box.  Tomorrow I will go down to their bank and deposit the amount due into their bank account.  You gotta love this system.

My fresh salsa I made.

I also make frequent visits to Maria's fruit stand down the street, picking up the things I need to make fresh salsa.  I love salsa and have been making it almost every day.

Pupusas were fresh made right out front.

She was flipping the pupusas.


Tonight we went down to Middle Street and had dinner.  We decided on Pupuseria's.  The lady's stood right outside the door and made them up and then cooked the pupusas on the grill.  Our waitor recommended the mixed, so we had a pork, bean and cheese.  They were quite tasty.  Our entire meal, drinks and food was $23.50BZE.


  1. Great post. The Pupuseria is one of our fav places to eat in San Pedro.

  2. Thanks AJ, they were super nice there and the food was great..we will definitely be going back there.

  3. Yum -- we haven't been to the Pupuseria. Looks great. We got our Sol Farms order yesterday too! If you like the peanuts, you can order larger quantities. We asked Greg. You can get 1 lb. of any of the flavors for $8 BZD. We got 1 lb. of salted and 1 lb. of jerk!

  4. Pupuseria's was very reasonable and the food was good too.

    I ordered the hab and jerk peanuts. I had some of the jerk last night and they were really good. Alina like them too. We shared. haha

  5. So happy to see that you made it and are settling in so well! From afar, I am enjoying all of your discoveries ...


  6. Your salsa looks great too! We bought ingredients to make some today but ran out of time with all the other cooking we were doing.

  7. Thanks Wilma, we are glad to be in Belize.

  8. The salsa was great and so fresh tasting Emily. I am loving all the fresh taste of things in Belize.


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