
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hanging with Some Locals and Taking Care of Business


Our bank, it is very nice building.

Yesterday was a busy day, we had lots of business to take care of.  We rode downtown on our bikes and our first stop was the bank, the British Caribbean International.  I needed to drop off the original signed documents from where we opened our bank account online.  I met with Ms. Flor Nunez who was super nice and she gave me a few tips for shopping in town. You can get your money in US currency or Belizean dollars.

Me and Craig, he has many talents.  He said he can cure cancer.

Bill decided to hang out in Central Park while I went to take care of the utilities, I needed to have everything transferred into my name.  Craig a really nice guy we met in the park took me to all the places I needed to go.  Craig and I headed out to the utility companies and I had everything taken care of in no time.  It was much faster than me trying to find everything on my own.  I also had to go by E & L Butane and pay for our gas tank being filled.  They come by pick up your tank, fill it up and then drop it back off at your house.   The gas is used for cooking only so it should last a long time.  To fill our tank it was $65.00BZE. 

Bill and the coatimundi.

Lisa gave Bill braids and beads in his beard. 

Lisa and James, such a cool dude.

Once I finished getting my utilities all taken care of, I headed back to the park to pick up Bill.  He was there hanging with his new friends Lisa and James.  Looks like Bill was having some interesting fun while I was taking care of business, what do you think?

BTL, if you don't know what you are looking for you will miss this big purple and white building.

Bill  and I rode our bikes over to BTL (Belize Telemedia Limited) to purchase sim cards for our Iphones so we could have Belize phone numbers.  This was probably the most complicated and time consuming of everything.  After numberous stops at different places to get everything we needed to be able to get our Iphones to work in Belize, we finally both had Belizean phone numbers.  The cost for everything was $248.00BZE.

Xtreme Geeks

Our final and last stop of the day was Xtreme Geeks, we needed a router so we could have WiFi at home.  They programed the router so that all we had to do was plug it in when we got home.  However, the password we gave them to use is not working, so we will be heading back there to get that fixed today.  A brand new router was $174.00BZE.

I will leave you with a view of the beach today.


  1. Excellent write-up. It's currently -30 here and I wish I was there!

  2. Thanks AJ, I am so glad to be away from the cold. I am sending warm greetings from Belize your way today.

  3. The people of Belize are very nice to you guys! They made sure you had fun while taking care of business. Hahahaha. Bill even found a new furry friend. I enjoyed the photos here. :-)


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