
Friday, December 23, 2011

We Are Officially Retired

Retirement, according to Wikipedia is the point where a person stops employment. December 1st, 2011 Bill officially retired from Gray-Daniels Ford after 17 years. I had been a realtor with Century 21 Maselle since 1998 and I loved my job. But yes, we did it, we actually quit our jobs and stopped working. You would think we would be jumping up and down and celebrating. Well the strange thing is, we haven't had time to feel retired yet. With the holidays upon us and so much to do before we move to Belize, our real official retirement will have to wait a few more weeks. 

We sold our home in October, all of our furniture and most all of our personal things and moved in with my father. I had spent hours, months, years shopping and collecting things from all over the world. 28 years worth of stuff, most all of which was gone in a matter of a few weeks. Did I get upset? Well again, I really have not had time to think about it all. It has been happening so fast. We are just focused on the the real thing we are looking forward to in our retirement, a much simpler life and time to spend together.  Yep, that's it folks, it is just that simple.  That is all we really want at this point in our life and while it might be a simple life, it will never be a boring life. 

When you retire, what kind of life will you be looking for?


  1. Congratulations to both of you! I am sure you will find many joys in retirement and not miss the workaday world one bit. I know I don't!

  2. Thanks Emily, we are starting to get excited as it gets closer to reality.

  3. Hey Debra, it's the other Debra from MM! I wish you good health and plenty of good times on your and Bill's grand New Adventure! I have such good memories of our Chicago trip to officially finish the marathon. Be seeing you on FB!

    Debra Ferguson

  4. Hey Debra, thanks so much. Those MM days are some of the best memories ever and some of the best friends ever. I will always cherish those days. Take care and I will definitley being seeing you on FB.


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