
Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011 in the US

Our family had a different but a very Merry Christmas this year. Our daughter's family came to visit two weeks ago, so we started celebrating Christmas early this year. Bill and I decided up front we were not going to buy each other any gifts to open. There was really nothing we needed and besides we are getting rid of everything and we have plenty of stuff to haul to Belize already. 

We did get each other a Christmas card. Bill's card said "Of all the things I could ask for...the only thing I want for Christmas is YOU". Haha, I am not so sure I believe that some days, but it was the thought that counts.

While "Belizean Betty" was in town, I wanted to take her to Bass Pro Shop to see Santa. Betty has never liked Santa and is not worried presents won't show up under the Christmas tree if she doesn't sit in his lap. A little wave is about all Betty would ever give Ole St. Nick. But low and behold, Betty decided to sit in Santa's lap this year. I am not sure who was excited more, me and her parents or Betty. 

Betty sits in Santa's lap for the first time.

Our Christmas Tree

We had this Elf named Aubrey that kept hanging around the house.

Bill and I had Christmas lunch at the Waffle House.


  1. Nice and quiet Christmas and spending time with the ones you love is the best. Hope you will enjoy you move to Belize.

  2. I totally agree Linda, it was a very carefree Christmas.


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