
Monday, August 31, 2015

Arely's Birthday Party in Belize

When Bill and I first moved to Belize in 2012, we met 3 children on the boat to Caye Caulker one day.  Caye Caulker is the sister island to Ambergris Caye where we live.  It is about 5 miles from Ambergris Caye or a 20 minute boat ride.  We have stayed involved with the family ever since and have celebrated several birthday with the children each year.  August 22nd was Arely's birthday.  She is the oldest of her siblings and she turned 14 years old Saturday.  Her mother Martha had asked me to make a birthday cake and wanted me to go with her to Belize City to celebrate Arely's birthday and I said I would.

Arely in 2012 on the boat to Caye Caulker.  10 years old.

Martha wanted to catch the 6am water taxi to Belize City.  So that meant it was going to be an early morning and a long day in Belize City.  I had made all the cupcakes the day before, so we picked up Martha and two of her younger children Michelle and Jasmine at 5:30am and headed to the water taxi.

It was early and the sun was just coming up while we were waiting for the water taxi.

Michelle was still half asleep but smiling for the camera.

Jasmine was sleepy too, but dressed for the party.

We left Ambergris Caye at 6:00am right on time.  We made a quick stop to pick up a few more people in Caye Caulker and then it was on to Belize City.

It looks like a few more people were sleeping on the 6am water taxi as well.

Leaving Ambergris Caye on the 6am water taxi.

Jasmine went back to sleep as soon as the water taxi took off.  (Wake me when it's time for the party.)

We arrived in Belize City about 6:30am.  A friend of Martha's named Salvador Parra was there with his truck to pick us up and take us to the Government Youth Hostel where Arely has been living the last few months.  But first we needed some breakfast, so we make a quick stop at a local taco stand and then we could be on our way.

Arriving in Belize City.

I really love Belize City and all the beautiful wooden boats.

That was close, the bridge is just a little low for most boats to pass under.

It appears we were not the only ones still sleepy when we arrived in Belize City.

Not too many early birds at the water taxi terminal in Belize City.

Salvador our driver is taking our order.

Two flour tacos and an orange juice for $2.00 Belize ($1.00US).  That's a cheap breakfast.

Jasmine is awake now and ready to party.
We finally arrive at the youth hostel about 9:30am.  It is located about 21 miles down the Western Highway. It was wash day when we arrived, the girls were sorting laundry, washing clothes and hanging them out to dry.

Yes they still wash clothes the old fashion way sometimes in Belize, but this young lady seemed to be having fun washing clothes.


Cleveland Rock n Roll t-shirts hanging on the clothes line.

Someone had donated a bunch of Cleveland Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon t-shirts to the hostel.  I thought that was pretty cool since I have run many of the Rock n Roll races.  

Now it was time to eat cupcakes.

Michelle is adding the candles.

Arely gave me the thumbs up for the cupcakes.  She loved them.

Salvador enjoying a cupcake.

We took the bus back to Belize City.

A quick trip around the market once we got back to Belize City.

A truck ride back to the water taxi terminal to catch the 5pm water taxi back to Ambergris Caye.

1 1/2 hour boat ride from Belize City and we are back on the island.

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