
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Yes, We Are Finally Back in San Pedro, Belize!

After a lengthy stay back in the US, we are happy to be back in Belize and living in San Pedro.  We arrived on the 6th of April and we are pretty much settled back into a life on the Beach.

We have been spending time on the island catching up with old friends and meeting new friends.

This is our friend Debbie, we had meet Debbie and her husband Tom before when they were just visiting Belize.  They have now retired and moved to San Pedro also.

Bill and Tom

Tom, looks like he is taking this retirement seriously.

Debbie, Tom and the Family.

We are also very sad that two of our huskies Alina and Barney passed away while we were back in the states, so only Snowy was able to make the trip this time.

                                    RIP Alina and Barney, they loved golf cart rides in Belize.

                                                         Snowy enjoying Belize again.

We spent our 30th wedding anniversary in Belize November 2014.  Here is a picture of us eating at Elvi's Kitchen.  The food is great.

Stay turned for more of our adventures in Belize!

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