
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Crocodile Lake Photo Shoot and ACES

Crocodile Lake

Well if you read my posts a few weeks ago about "Celebrities in Belize", you know that I was referring to our three Siberian Huskies that came with us to live in San Pedro, Belize.  They get lots of attention and their photos are taken on a daily basis.  So a young pretty model named Christine who also lives here on the island asked if she could do a photo shoot and have our dogs in it and of course we said yes.  Christine told us she would call us and let us know where to meet.

A week later Christine called and told us to meet her at Victoria House about 5:00pm, a resort south on the island and we would go from there to where the photo shoot would be. 

At 5:00pm Christine and her friend Becky picked us up at Victoria House and we headed further south to Crocodile Lake.  Crocodile Lake is full of crocodiles and we spotted one immediately upon our arrival. 

Heading to Crocodile Lake.

The croc we spotted close to shore.



Getting set up and ready for photo shoot.

Photography Jose Luis Zapata  Check out his site.  He does some beautiful wedding photography.


Christine and the pups.

Feeding crocodiles use to be a form of entertainment for tourist in Belize.  Locals would slap the water with a whole frozen raw chicken to get the crocodiles attention.  If the crocs heard the noise they would come running.  Then the tourist would sit on the crocodile and have their picture made.  But according to Cherie Rose with ACES (American Crocodile Eduction Sanctuary) that is why these crocs became dangerous because they began to associate humans with food.

Vince and Cherie Rose with ACES.  Photo by San Pedro Sun.

ACES (American Crocodile Education Sanctuary) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of Belize's critical wetland habitats and protected species, specifically Crocodilians, through scientific research and education in order to preserve Belize's wildlife for future generations.

ACES works with the Belize Forest Department and it is now against the law to feed crocodiles.  ACES also does CSI Tours on Thursday, Friday and Saturday where they will take you through the mangrove islands at sunset for crocodile spotting in their natural habitat.  I can't wait to go out on this tour.  Check out these pictures from a recent ACES CSI Tour with SanPedroScoop.

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