
Saturday, May 5, 2012

I Think We Have Been Adopted and My Mother's Day Card

The kids helping us walk the dogs on the beach.

We think we have been officially adopted by some cute little Belizean kids in town.  I wrote about Michelle and her sister Arelle that we met back in February when we made a boat trip to Caye Caulker.  We had taken the three dogs with us that day and Michelle and Arelle came and sat in the back of the boat with us so they could pet the dogs. 

I ran into Michelle with her friends Ethan and Dulce this week down near the beach and they immediately wanted to know where the huskies were.  I called Bill and had him meet us at the beach with the dogs so the kids could see them.

After walking the dogs on the beach, the kids wanted to follow us home.  Once we got home they decided they were hungry, so I made them all sandwiches.  I let them try dill pickles, and Hershey chocolate kisses, none of which they had ever tasted before.  They loved the kisses but didn't much care for dill pickles.  Ethan made the comment that he felt like he was dreaming.  After stuffing their faces and filling their tummies full, I walked each one of the kids to their house and dropped them off.

Chowing down on potato chips and ham sandwiches.

Dulce, Ethan and Michelle with full tummies.

Friday afternoon Bill and I decided to take a bike ride down to the beach.  Who do we see again, our sweet little friends and guess what??  They said they were just about to head to our house and wanted to know what was for dinner!!  Bill and I looked at each other and just laughed.  Bill had already said he totally expected them to show back up at our house the next day, so he was not surprised at all.

Michelle said she had something for me and handed me a handmade big red heart shaped Mother's Day card she had made for me at school that day.  She was coming over to my house to bring it to me.  I was totally surprised and she was so proud of herself.  She had made a card for me and one for her mother too.  She had some of the left over glitter from her decorating all over her face.

Michelle and her Mother's Day card that she made for me.

They decided they wanted some ice cream, so I took them to the store near by and they all picked out what kind of ice cream they wanted.  Cheese cake, chocolate chip and vanilla were the flavors of the day.  After they scarfed down the ice cream, they were still hungry of course.  So we all headed over to one of Bill's favorite places to eat Salvadorena's and ordered Papusas for everyone. 

We decided to have dessert first.

We finished eating and once again I walked them all home....they wanted to know if we were going to be home Saturday and Sunday.  I guess it is not quite dinner time yet, because they haven't shown up yet.  But I totally expect to see them again real soon, because I think we have been officially adopted by them.


Waiting for our Pupusas.

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