
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Getting a Golf Cart Permit

Bill and the pups are happy to have their ride.

Our golf cart was shipped over to Belize back in March, but we have not been able to drive the golf cart yet because we were waiting to get a golf cart permit.  Bill turned in the completed application and paid the $50.00BZ application fee six weeks ago.  We already had the golf cart made street legal by adding tail lights, a horn and a rear view mirror.  We just needed our permit. 

List of things we had to submit with our application to apply for a golf cart permit:
1.  Copy of valid driver's licenses (we used our US driver's licenses)
2.  Certificate of title (bill of sale)
3.  Documents showing proof of Permanent Residence (Bill is on the QRP-Belize Retirement   Program)
4.  Pictures of golf cart and where it will be kept when not in use. 

We took several pictures of the golf cart on each side.  We also took pictures showing that it has been made street legal.  We also had to show pictures that we had off road and enclosed parking for the golf cart as well. 

Application for golf cart permit.

We were waiting for the San Pedro traffic department that approves all of the permits for vehicles and golf carts to have a meeting.  There has recently been a new administration that had just been put into office and they had not met yet.  They needed to hire three more traffic officers before approving any more permits.   We had also been told that there were 83 permits waiting for approval (not good) and we were told that they may not get to review all pemit applications in the first meeting.  We knew we would be having our very first visitor, my dad that is coming to the island in two weeks and we really needed to be able to use our golf cart with him here.  It would be too difficult for him to try to walk or bike any where.

So after talking to a friend, Bill decided to go down first thing Monday morning and ask for a meeting with Danny Guerrero, our new mayor of San Pedro.  He is the only one that can approve the permits without a traffic committee meeting.  Bill talked to his secretary Yolanda and set up an appointment for 9:30am Monday.  Knowing we are on Belize time, it was 10:30am before Bill actually got to see the mayor.  Another member of his staff Mr. Santos, brought over our file for Mayor Danny to take a look at.  Bill explained our situation and after a few questions, Danny gave his stamp of approval.  Bill paid another $320.00BZ for the permit and away he went.  Now we had to get insurance.

Ready to see the mayor.

Golf Cart permit approval.

Atlantic Insurance was recommended, they have their office on Middle Street in with Graniel's Dreamland.  Like most businesses here in San Pedro, people run several different businesses out of one location.  Graniel's Dreamland has some beautiful handmade wooden furniture and accessories and they sell insurance for your golf cart too.

Graniel's Dreamland

Atlantic Insurance Company

Beautiful pieces of woodwork at Graniel's.

Ok, so we go head over to Atlantic Insurance and see about getting insurance on our golf cart.  We had to show that we had a valid drivers licenses.  I had made sure and renewed my US licenses before I left the states in January since I knew my licenses were going to expire on my birthday in February.   Bill still had a few years on his US licenses, so he was ok.  You can drive in Belize on a US drivers licenses for one year. 

Ruby completing our insurance application online.

There is basically one insurance that you get for your golf cart and it covers, well let's just say it covers nothing on your golf cart.  The cost is $65.00BZ.  It does not protect us for fire, collision or theft on our cart.  If we hit someone else's golf cart and we are on a PUBLIC road, it will pay for repairs on their golf cart, any injuries to them and if we happen to kill them in the process up to $400.00BZ ($200.00US) toward funeral expenses.  Now if we are on a PRIVATE road, it pays nothing.  We asked if we could upgrade and Ruby said yes, but Atlantic Insurance would have to insure our home as well to be able to upgrade.  Well we don't own any real estate in Belize, but we asked what would we get if we upgraded.  Rubys answer was all of the above, but it would also include PRIVATE roads. Yipee!!  So our next question was, well what if someone hits us on our golf cart and they don't have insurance.  She says nothing but we could sue them if we wanted to.  I am not sure if this makes you want to cry or laugh. 

Ruby making our insurance labels.

We are insured.

After we left from getting our insurance, we decided to head to the Caribena Gas Station to fill the golf cart up with gas.  They still have gas attendants in Belize that will fill up your car or golf cart for you.  Anybody remember those days back in the US?  The golf cart only had about 3 gallons in it from when it was shipped over from the states.  We had put only enough gas in it so it could be driven on and off the trucks during shipping.  It cost $35.04BZ ($17.52US) for 2.985 gallons.  Gas is currently $11.74BZ ($5.87US) a gallon on Ambergris Caye.  He waived the 4 cents.  That sure beats filling up my Ford Edge in the states. 

Filling up at the gas station.

Waiting while they pump our gas.

Gas is $11.74BZ a gallon.

We went and had our permits laminated at Gecko Graphics.  This is good so they don't get wet and we can attach them to the golf cart seat now.

Our insurance card and golf cart permits all laminated.

Gecko Graphics

They were out of licenses plates on Monday, but the traffic department called this morning and said our new plates were in.  So we went by and picked them up today.  They also issued us a title to our golf cart.  So we are ready to roll.  It rained pretty heavy last night and early this morning, so it is nice to have the golf cart for the muddy roads today.


  1. Wow - A lot of work. Think I will stick to by bicycle!!!

    1. LOL....yeah, but it will be nice to have it certain times. We will still walk and bike most of the time. I will take you for a spin when you are on the island some time.

  2. Excellent overview, Debra. I will be sharing this blog with my clients in the future, for sure.

    On a side note, insurance on cars/trucks/etc. works the same way in Belize as for a golf cart. You're basically on your own if your car gets damaged. You can, however, buy what's called Private Third Party insurance to cover bodily injury - it would probably be available on golf carts too, if that's a concern of yours (costs $100 bze for 3 months).

    1. Thanks Sharon, we are thinking about looking into some more private insurance as well.

  3. Bill, had to chuckle when you got to the part of getting your insurance. "So our next question was, well what if someone hits us on our golf cart and they don't have insurance. She says nothing but we could sue them if we wanted to. I am not sure if this makes you want to cry or laugh"

    So I could see why you wouldn't know if you should cry or laugh. Guess you just gotta laugh and move on. :)

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  5. Please tell me what you needed at Us Customes to get the golf cart out of usa. I am being told I need a title and others say I only need a VIN Number. Help please...thank you


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