
Friday, April 27, 2012

Bill Gets A Haircut at Ballers and Fabulous Bread in Belize

Ballers Barber Shop

Bill needed to get a haircut Thursday morning so we headed downtown to Ballers Barber Shop.  It is located on the corner of Middle Street aka Pescador Drive.  When we got there Kobe wasn't busy and Bill was able to get right in.  Kobe was a young Belizean fellow and had cut Bill's hair once before.  I asked Kobe how he spelled his name and he said K O B E as in Kobe Bryant the famous basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers.  Looking around the shop and noticing their decorating expertise of large wall posters of Kobe Bryant and other famous players, I am figuring this is also where the name of the barber shop "Ballers" came from.  This was definitely a sports themed style barber shop. 

The last time Bill was at the shop Kobe had told Bill he had not been to barber school and he wasn't a licensed barber, but that barbering was in his "genes".  Kobe's grandfather and his father were both barbers and he grew up around them watching them both cut hair, so that qualified him to be a barber.  Bill thought to his self  "well if it's in his genes he doesn't need any damn school" and he let Kobe cut his hair.  Kobe actually did a really good job.  I can somewhat relate to his barbering skills being in his genes.  I told Kobe that my mother and grandmother were hairdressers as well and I had cut hair like I knew what I was doing before too.  So I guess it does get in your genes and that can somehow qualify you to do hair.  Bill's haircut cost $10.00BZ ($5.00US). 

Kobe getting started.

Looks like they may have a few beers in their spare time.  I hope those were left over from after work and not before work. 

This poster was on the wall.  I guess this was the "gringo haircuts" you could choose from.  The guy in the middle is rocking that haircut.  Maybe next time Bill could try out that style.  It would go great with the beaded beard, don't you think!!

All finished, see no barber licenses required for this great looking haircut.

While I love making my own bread it can be a little difficult to find some of the different kind of flours that you need here in Belize.  So I decided to give Mathieu's  Deli a try and I ordered several different kinds of breads.  I emailed Anna on Wednesday my order and then she emailed me Thursday morning telling me my breads would be ready to be picked up Thursday at 11:00am.  So after Bill's haircut we biked over to Mathieu's Deli and picked up our bread.  Anna is going to email me a long list of all the breads they make.

Mathieu's Deli located on Middle Street going north next to the Fire Station.

We left Mathieu's Deli and got caught in the rain.  It started coming down pretty hard, so we waited underneath the umbrella's at a vegetable stand just down the street.  After the rain slacked off some we biked home.   I was having to dodge all of the puddles so mud wouldn't splash all on the back of my white shirt.  It seems I always have on white when it rains.  We don't have fenders on our bikes yet, so you can get a nice muddy stripe going down your back on rainy days. 

Once we got home I couldn't wait to try out my bread.  I had purchased a loaf of whole wheat sour dough, kamut flour bread and a three grain mix bread.  I wanted to try out my Spicy Stout Belizean mustard I had purchased from the Greenhouse the day before.  So when we got home I made Bill and I both a turkey breast sandwich with our Belizean mustard on the whole wheat sour dough.  They were delish.  I can't wait to try out the other ones I bought next time.

Look at all these healthy breads.

I have this special bread slicing knife I brought from the states and it comes in handy. It is the Original Fiddle Bow Bread Knife.

Turkey breast sandwiches whole wheat sourdough with BBQ Kettle chips I brought back from Mexico.

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