
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Neri's Tacos

Chicken Tacos

I had this blog post ready to post several days ago, but right before I hit the send button, our internet went down.  It has been on the blink for several days.  We stopped by their office yesterday and they said they were working on it and hope to have it fixed by day end.  It still was not working this morning and we stopped by their office again to get another report.  We were told the same thing again this morning but good news, we finally have our internet back up and working.  So I can finally post my blog post today.

We love eating street food and finding those hidden little places where the locals like to go eat.  So this week I wanted us to find Neri's Tacos.  I had heard about Neri's tacos and when I went to get a pedicure a few weeks ago, I asked Renada, the sweet young lady that did my pedicure where Neri's was located.  She told me that she and her boyfriend had breakfast there most mornings before they went off to work.  She gave me directions, so I knew it wasn't too far from our house. 

Monday I told Bill I had a new place to eat that I wanted to check out.   So a little after twelve we pedaled on past the airport and a few streets back to find Neri's Tacos, but they were closed.  They open at 5:30am and closed at 11:30am.  They didn't open back up until 5:00pm.  Determined to try Neri's tacos we decided to go back after five.

Not very busy at 8:30pm.

Ladies making all the food.

You place your order at the window.

Ham Fryjack with some "smoking hot" hot sauce.  These are just $3.50BZE ($1.75US)

We headed back to Neri's about 8:00pm and this time they were open.  The menu was short and sweet, and oh so cheap!  They do have a day and a night menu.  We ordered a few different things off the menu to try and in about 5 minutes they had it all ready.  We ordered 3 garnaches, 2 Enpanades and two bottles of water.  The grand total was $5.50BZ ($2.75US).  

They also serve all kinds of fresh juices.  It seems banana juice is one of the more popular ones.

We liked Neri's and the prices so much, we decided today to Sunday for a late breakfast, we still wanted to try the tacos, since they don't serve them on the night menu.  The tacos are 3 for $1.00BZ (.50US).  We got there about 10:30 Sunday morning and they were packed.  We pulled up on our bikes and there were people, golf carts and bikes everywhere.  It was the Sunday mid morning happening place.  Most were getting orders to go, I guess for lunch.

I just love all the little children here in Belize.  They are so cute.

Bill also received his official letter last week from the Belize Tourism Board on his entry into the QRP (Qualified Retirement Program of Belize).  He had to go down to the Social Security office here in San Pedro and have his picture made and he should have his card in about 2 weeks. 

1 comment:

  1. Yum, Neri's looks great. A little out of the way for us, but perfect for you two. Loved reading about it as we've never seen it but have heard the name!


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