
Monday, February 20, 2012

My First Birthday in Belize

Approaching the island of Caye Caulker

The palm trees lined the beach, it was beautiful.

Yesterday was my birthday and to celebrate early, Saturday we took a trip to Caye Caulker, the sister island to Ambergris Caye. We decided to take our three huskies on the trip as well, and purchased 3 round trip children's tickets for $10BZ for each one of the dogs. One of the guys that worked for the water taxi at Caye Caulker got a really BIG laugh out of that one, when he looked at our tickets and then saw 3 rather large dogs instead of children. They asked us to sit in the back of the boat with the dogs and we agreed. I love the back seats the best anyway. 

This sweet little girl fell asleep in my arms.  She and her sister were going with their dad to Caye Caulker to pick up their brother.  She told me she wasn't sleepy. 

This is her sister, they sat in the back with us so they could pet our dogs.

We were having a little engine trouble before we left the dock, but the guys had it running in no time and we were on our way to Caye Caulker.

Caye Caulker is only about 4 miles long and unlike Ambergris Caye where we live, there are no cars or paved roads.  Everyone gets around by walking (barefoot is preferred), biking or golf carts.  The golf carts are actually the taxi's in Caye Caulker. 

This is what you get if you need a taxi in Caye Caulker.  I think they are kind of cute with their bright yellow color.

We had breakfast at this resturant that was owned by a very nice Cuban family.

The food was really good and I was hungry for pancakes.

This was the only vegetable stand I saw.

Chalkboards advertising lots of good things to eat and drink.

Caye Caulker is a cozy little island with only about 1800 people.  It is much more laid back than Ambergris Caye.  Brightly colored hotels, restaurants and shops lined the beach.

I loved this small backpackers hotel.

This little boy was roasting and entire pig over the fire.  That's a pretty "hot" job if you ask me.

Laundry hung high up in the trees.

The Lazy Lizard located at the split.

You could snorkel right off the beach.

They even have a outdoor cinema which is great unless it is raining.

How would you like to own this boat?

They still had a payphone in Caye Caulker.

It was time to head back home to San Pedro.


  1. Nice blog about your Belizian birthday, Debra! I loved all the photos. The backpack place made me actually consider backpacking for a few nites. It's a beautiful set-up isn't it? I'm so glad you got to take a road-trip ... no an ocean-trip on your birthday. :) The dogs seemed to have fun too!

  2. Thanks Paula. The backpacking hotel was super cute. I loved it. It made me want to stay there as well. The dogs had a great time...but they were pooped from the trip.

  3. Happy belated birthday! Looks like you had a good time. We just love Caye Caulker. I bet you got a lot of looks walking with your dogs around town!


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