
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Belize Red Cross, Caliente and Bingo

Since moving to San Pedro in Belize I have volunteered at several events.  It has been a great way to meet other people living in Belize while also helping out the community.  Friday I attended my second meeting with the Belize Red Cross.  Lily Bowman, director general and several other Belize Red Cross members came over from the mainland to talk about bringing back a branch of the Red Cross to the Cayes.  There use to be a branch office here in San Pedro, but it is no longer here and no one really knows what happened to it either.  So we are currently working to re-open the Belize Red Cross on the island of San Pedro.

The Belize Red Cross (BRC) does a huge range of things across the country and are mostly known for their response in a disaster.  However there’s lots of other things that they do when there isn’t an emergency going on:  read more.

If anyone either locally or globally would like to get involved with the Belize Red Cross please drop me an email.  Thanks again to the Belize Red Cross for reaching out to San Pedro and to everyone else who came to the meeting yesterday.  Don't forget to join the Belize Red Cross facebook page.

Friday night we went with friends Gigi and Paula to check out Caliente, a restaurant located on the beach.  On Friday nights they have half price margaritas and taco specials. The food was really good and the margaritas weren't bad either.

Me, Bill, Gigi and Paula.

Having some fun, yaya!!

After eating dinner at Caliente's we went over to check out bingo at the San Pedro Lions Club.  This seems to be the Friday night place to be in town.  Every Friday night they have bingo games starting at about 7:00pm until 9 or 10pm.  The place was packed with adults, children and dogs and everyone seemed to be having a great time. 

He was calling out the bingo numbers.

Check out this high tech bingo board.

Where else could a kid go and play bingo with his dog at his side?

Everyone was anxiously waiting for their number to be called. 

She told me she wins bingo every weekend.

"Bingo" we have a winner!

Paula playing with the babies.

She was steady selling bingo cards.

Stephanie was selling chances to win a milk cake and 6 pack of cokes for $1.00BZ.  I told her I would take diet cokes and that I would be waiting for her to call me on Monday to deliver my cake. 

A few belikins and bingo

Bingo pooped him out.

Lots of happy people.

Here is Jan Brown with Marco Gonzalez Maya Reserve Site verifying another bingo.

The San Pedro Lions Club sells BBQ chicken plates every weekend and makes some of the best desserts.  The orange cake is to die for.

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