
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Texas Bound and Moving to Belize

Packed and ready to head to Texas.

My dad and sister were there to see us off.

We packed up last Friday, left Mississippi and headed to Texas.  It took us 5 hours to pack and get ready to leave Mississippi and over 11 hours to get to Austin with stopping for the pups.  But we finally made it to Texas about 3:00am Saturday morning.  We couldn't take the dogs to the kennel until 8:00am Saturday, so Bill slept in the truck with the dogs.  Bill and Alina up front in the cab and Snowy and Barney stayed in the back.  Lucky me, I got to sleep in the bed inside.

The pups stayed at Spicewood Animal Hospital during our visit with our daughter and family in Austin.  They were really nice there and took great care of the pups.  Snowy had gotten stitches in her leg before we left Mississippi, so the vet at Spicewood took out her stitches and she is ready to go to Belize now.  We were concerned because pets cannot have any open wounds to be able to enter the country.  She and Alina had gotten in a fight a few weeks ago and Snowy got bitten.  She was stitched up but then tore out her stitches.  4 trips to the vet later, her leg is all healed and everything should be good. 

Snowy was still having to wear the cone so she wouldn't pull out her stitches.

Spicewood Animal Hospital

Finally free to run around.

We celebrated our daughter and granddaughter's birthday while in Texas.  Brianne's birthday was the 9th and Betty's will be the 23rd.  Our little "Belizean Betty" will be turning 3 years old.  She loves everything princess these days, so we had a princess birthday cake. 

Princess birthday cake for my princesses.

Betty loves birthday cake icing.

Betty's new playhouse she got for her birthday.

Our children

Betty wants to go to Belize too.

We packed up on Wednesday and left Austin and headed to Houston, Texas where we will leave Texas on Friday morning and head to Belize. 

Repacking the suitcases one more time.


  1. You two have amazing stamina -- we can't handle those overnight drives any longer. You will need to sleep for a week once you get to Belize! Can't wait to meet you in person after all our correspondences. Safe travels!

  2. I was not sure we were going to make the drive in one night, but then I started driving and I knew I could make it. We had very little sleep if any. It took about two days to recover from lack of sleep. It was a 3 hour drive to Houston. We left a day earlier, so we could have one day to kind of rest of for tomorrow's trip to Belize.

  3. Reminds me of school days when we drove non-stop from Toronto, Ontario to Key West, Florida (37 hours!!!). Picture 5 students in a Chevy Citation - it was tight.

  4. WOW, that was a long way. We use to do that but it would be to New Orleans for Mardi Gras on the train. Leave at 2:00am on the train, stay for Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday and then leave to come back home the next day at 2:00am. Go home shower and go to work that day. Those were the days.


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