
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mama Vilma Family House Charity Fashion Show

The Fitness Club pool is set up and ready for the 2nd Annual Charity Mama Vilma Family Home Fashion Show.

It was a perfect place to have the fashion show and party.

Last night I got to volunteer for the second annual charity event for Mama Vilma's Family Home.  It was a fashion show, silent auction and after party put together by a group of Sanpedranos who are working hard to make this home a reality.   Mama Vilma is a much needed home for abused woman, children and men to have a safe haven to turn to. 

They sold over 350 tickets to the fashion show which ended with music by Pineapple Willie playing till 10:00pm.  There were lots of good food being passed around and drinks available throughout the evening of fashion.

These lovely ladies checked everyone in at the door.

Paul worked hard getting everything set up around the pool for the fashion show.

Rebecca took care of everyone's drink needs.

Gigi, me and Laurie.  We dressed up for our volunteer jobs. We helped out at the vendor tables, took pictures and mingled.

The Band

Signing up for the silent auction.

Even the men which we nicknamed "Old Geezers" were having a great time and said they loved the fashion show. 

The fashion show was great.  We got to see the present and past Miss San Pedro and Mr. Jade Central America.  The girls and guys modeled swimsuits, casual and evening wear, with Carole Goudreau from CG Esthetics helping the models out with hair and makeup. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Michelada Friday!!


Today was a Michelada kind of Friday and it was also our 2 week anniversary since moving to Belize.  In September 2010 we were at Fido's and saw the bartender Raul making this drink that looked oh so good.  We asked him what it was and he said it was a Michelada.  Michelada's are kind of like a Bloody Mary without the bloody.  We fell in love with this drink and made them several times at home. 

We love Fido's and last week we headed on over to get our favorite drink again.  They were just as great as we remembered.  But when we were at Tacklebox on Wednesday, we noticed they also had Michelada's on the menu and they were cheaper, only $6.00BZE.  So tonite we headed back to the Tacklebox Bar and Grill and sat out on the deck and ordered up a Michelada with extra Marie Sharp's hot sauce.  Sorry Fido's, they were just as good.  We ordered the spicy wings again too.  My mouth was burning.

There was lots of action going on at the Tacklebox.  The boats were coming in for the day and the captain's were cleaning and wiping them down.  The left over small fish they had on board they started throwing up in the air to feed the birds.  It caused a fury of commotion in the air and in the water.  The birds were going crazy swooping down to catch a fish.  The ones the birds didn't catch fell into the water.  The brown pelicans were waiting their turn.  Then down below the water here come the stingrays.  Several of the stingrays were swimming back and forth in hopes of some crumb I guess.   It was a mad dash to catch a fish dinner.  Just another fun Friday in paradise.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lunch at Ak'bol Yoga Retreat

Today was very windy again and the colors of the water this week have just been so vivid and beautiful.  It is so amazing to be able to see this beauty every day.

It was very windy today.

We road our bikes to the north side of the island again and met our friends Emily and Barry at the bridge, then we took the beach bike path to check out where they live and see their beautiful condo.  We also got to meet their sweet little Boston terrier Paisley, who loved licking all the lotion off my legs.

The menu is on a chalk board, this is pretty common in San Pedro.

The yoga schedule.

We sat out on the beach.

Me, Barry and Emily.

Barry, Bill and Me.

Grilled fish, rice and a salad.  My fish was under all of those veggies.

The bar area.

Then we biked on over to Ak'bol Yoga Retreat for lunch.  I would love to take a few yoga classes there one day in the palapa over the water.  The food was very good and the views were breathtaking.  I had today's special which was grilled fish, rice and a salad for $22.00BZE and Bill had the chicken burrito for $14.00BZE.  We can't wait to go back and have their chocolate pancakes or coconut french toast for breakfast.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tacklebox Bar and Grill and Biking the Beach

Pictures from riding the beach up north this afternoon.  The white you see in the background is the reef.

I found lots of shells and pieces of coral here on the beach.

Today was just another busy day in Belize.  We really thought we would have more down time once we got to Belize, but instead our days stay busy and seem to go by fast.  Most of the day was spent running errands around town with my friends Gigi and Laurie, who blogs on Tacogirl

Tacklebox Bar and Grill

Bill wants to try one of these next time.

Sorry no pictures of food.  I was starving by the time the food got there.  So I forgot to take photos.

Once I got home from running errands, I told Bill the sea was such beautiful colors today, I wanted to head back down to the beach.  We did a few more errands and then biked the beach north a ways.  We then turned around and headed back south and decided to stop at the Tacklebox Bar and Grill located out on the water.  We had never made it there during our previous visits to Belize and wanted to give them a try.  We lucked up and got there right when "happy hour" was about to start. 3 beers for $10BZE ($5.00US) and $1.00BZE (.50 cents US) wings, yum. 

So we just decided to sit back and enjoy the views.

The birds were circling waiting to be fed.  The fisherman had just gotten in and were cleaning their catch down at the end of the pier. 

It was starting to get dark and time to bike home.