
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tiny Belize: A Huge Country for Divers


If you know any avid divers who have been to Belize, do not ask them about it unless you have a few hours…you will not be able to shut them up.

Belize is in fact a tiny country, but not if you include the underwater wonderland that is adjacent to it. Then, at least in dive terms, it’s one of the largest countries in the world! Belize has everything you want in a tropical escape, but when it comes to the diving and the saltwater fly fishing, it is among the best in the world.

Though it’s probably smaller in total square miles of real estate than some counties in Texas, Belize offers more dive opportunities than you could possibly experience in a year.

With a bewildering array of big walls, barrier reef, open water atolls and islands, and plenty of sharks of all types, the fact is, diving just may be Belize’s biggest growth industry besides real estate. From coral gardens and stunning parrot fish to giant whale sharks, it’s all here, even for two-tank veteran divers who seek longer outings.

Unlike some Caribbean countries and most of Central America, you can dive year-round in Belize, right through the rainy season.

Tiny Belize: A Huge Country for Divers


  1. Hi,

    Belize with heavy rain and howling winds after making landfall just south its largest city. I am really thankful to you for providing this unique information about tiny Belize...

    Belize Vacation

  2. Thanks Mac, the snorkeling and diving in Belize is some of the best, all year round.


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