
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fast Food Belize Style

Sun Up Fast Food in San Pedro, Belize

The first thing that tourist and visitors notice when they get to Belize is that there are few fast food franchise restaurants in the country.  Belize has no McDonald's or Kentucky Fried Chicken.  You will have to cross the border to Mexico or Guatemala for that. 

McDonald's are everywhere in Mexico

But who says you still can't find "fast food" in Belize.  Fast food joints are pretty common through out Belize and are usually small mom and pop type places having only a small area where you can stand or sit on a bench. 

Chickens roasting on the Sidewalk

You can find the typical fast food hamburger and fries in Belize.   You will also find rice and beans, burritos, hot dogs, garnaches, tamales and tacos.

The Park near the Beach

In the evenings in San Pedro we would walk down to the park and get something to eat and drink from some of the many different street vendors that would be set up in the park near the beach.  The two of us could eat dinner for less than $10.00US.

I found a recipe for Garnaches, which is a very popular fast food in Belize.

Belize Garnaches Recipe

Ingredients: 1 lb corn tortilla, 4 oz cabbage and onions, 1 cup red kidney or black beans mashed or blended, ½ tsp salt, ½ tsp ground black pepper, ¼ lb (1 cup) grated hard cheese, 1 medium carrot grated, ½ cup vinegar, cooking oil for frying
Method: 1. Wash hands 2. Mash or blend cooked beans, season and fry (set aside) 3. Grate cheese (set aside) 4. Grate carrot 5. Shred cabbage and onion and put carrot and cabbage in small bowl with vinegar 6. Fry tortillas 7. Put beans on refried tortilla 8. Cover with cabbage, onions and carrots 9. Sprinkle top with grated cheese. Serve and enjoy!
Tip: For quick preparation use canned refried red kidney or black beans.

You can also buy fast food or fruits from the mobile street vendors pedaling around town.

Check out the prices-Hot Dog $3.00BZ, Cheeseburger $4.00BZ, Chicken Tortas $4.00BZ, Ham and Cheese Sandwich $3.00BZ, The View - PRICELESS!!!

Fruit Stand


  1. Love rotisserie chicken from middle street.

  2. I buy it all the time at home, so I was excited to see it in Belize. They looked yummy too.

  3. We have never even tried the fast food at the park - looks like we need to. Those Garnaches look yummy!

  4. I'm jealous! I miss belize so much...and the garanaches & fry jack!

  5. We went to the park a couple of times and made friends with a few people there. You had quite a few things to choose from and it all was really good and you could just sit out on the benches and eat. I am missing me some Belizean food too. I could eat a fry jack this morning..but I need to jog for some food first!!! I so need to get back into running. Hope everyone has a wonderful day..


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