
Friday, January 14, 2011

"Belizean Betty" Friday

"Belizean Betty", Artist

Betty is an artist in the making and she loves to paint.  Here Betty is trying out her new finger paints she got from her Poppie and Grammie for Christmas.

"Belize Hands" Street Art

You may see hands painted on walls or the back of car windows throughout Belize - This refers to "NO More Hate" or "Hate go Away" in Belize.  We took the picture above on a concrete wall in San Pedro, Belize. 

"Belizean Betty's" Hand Art


  1. the brown street art painting looks great! hmmm...did your little girl do it? you just might have a little picasso in the making. :)

  2. Hand prints on walls can also be a sign of Carnival.

  3. Thanks rose colored..she is my granddaughter and she has two artistic very well may be a little picasso in the making.

  4. Thanks BL...for the added info on the meaning of the hands. Very Cool Stuff.


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