
Sunday, November 7, 2010


During our trip to Belize in September 2010, we met an interesting cultural mix of people.  There were the Taco’s (not really their last name).   I had met Laurie online prior to going to Belize.  She writes a daily expat blog  I highly recommend that you follow her blog.  She writes about a lot of day to day happenings going on in Belize.  She and friend Paul have lived in Belize for several years now.  They are from Canada.  We met them at the Road Kill bar for a weekly game of trivia they have there.

Lara has also been living in Belize for several years.  She is from Philly.  We met her at the bar at Pedro’s Inn.  She owns Lemon Crush Belize (swimsuits) and Romantic Travel Assoc. of Belize.  Check out her site’s as well. 

Then there was Robin..he was definitely a character.  He has perfected the foot kiss.  There was Racoon Man.  He basically walks around with his raccoon on his head all day.  He said he has raised this raccoon since it was a baby.

There was the nice lady in town selling her wares…shoes, clothes, fruits..whatever she can make a few dollars on.  She didn’t speak any English.  We didn’t buy anything..but we did give her some money. 

Belize is a cultural mix of interesting people as you can see.

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